AZMOM Event 2016
Phoenix PC Networking was commissioned by Central Arizona Dental Society Foundation to develop an integrated digital system for patient enrollment, record keeping and x-ray capture for a charity dental event for the underprivileged. This event is known as Arizona Dental Mission of Mercy or AZMOM, https://azmom.org/ and is held every December. This year’s event had more than 100 dental stations and was working on a very small budget. The sponsors also had limited time for setup at the venue which included several acres of operation.
Phoenix PC Networking’s solution involved having an intranet based application written for patient data enrollment and x-ray developed that could be accessed over a light weight network such as Wi-Fi. The solution also allowed the dentists, hygienists and volunteers to use their own laptops and tablets on the internet while using this new intranet. They were able to access the data being created for the more than 2000 underserved patients while using a browser over https for secure communications.
Volunteers in the check in area used low cost dumb terminals that were purchased from surplus wholesalers and re-imaged with Linux software. Firefox was the default application that auto booted into a webpage of the intranet so there was easy access for patient data entry in the newly designed application. After the patient was entered all other volunteers, dentists and hygienists could access this patient’s chart. The patient could then be easily routed thru the stations and receive the necessary treatment and x-rays. The routing and treatment areas used all in one units with Linux and build in Wi-Fi to from 12 different access points throughout the 4 acre operation area.
X-rays were acquired from 4 different brands of panoramic and inter-oral digital dental x-ray machines and then imported into the intranet as jpegs which allowed access across the venue for doctors to view and analyze for treatment plans.
The success of Phoenix PC Networking’s solution at this event has ensured the success of this 2 day event for years to come and will be leveraged in other states for their dental Mission of Mercy programs.